Landscape with Menorah: Jews in the towns and cities of the former Rzeczpospolita of Poland and Lithuania
Maria and Kazimierz Piechotka

May 2015
(First edition in Polish: Maria i Kazimierz Piechotkowie, Krajobraz z menorą. Żydzi w miastach i miasteczkach dawnej Rzeczpospolitej, Wrocław: Zakład Narodowy im. Ossolińskich, 2008)
Translation into English: Krzysztof Z. Cieszkowski
Paperback, 184 pages
Illustrations: 129 black and white
Size: 24 x 17 cm
ISBN 978-83-930937-7-9
€ 22.50
Landscape with Menorah offers a synthetic view of the history of over eight centuries of Jewish presence in the lands of the former Commonwealth or Rzeczpospolita of Poland and Lithuania. It is the English translation of a study by Maria and Kazimierz Piechotka, based on many decades’ research into the unique phenomenon of Jewish settlement in the kingdoms of the Piast and later the Jagiellonian monarchies, and then of the Rzeczpospolita of Poland-Lithuania (today central and eastern Poland, Lithuania, Belarus and western Ukraine).
A narrative is chronological and divided into chapters, charting the urban and architectural developments of the sites – the settlements, streets, neighbourhoods, and towns – where Jewish communities resided from the thirteenth to the mid-twentieth century, and where unusual forms of synagogue art and architecture, not seen elsewhere, evolved as a result of the osmosis between Jewish and Polish cultures. The text is illustrated with nearly a hundred black and white photographs, mostly documentary and coming from the state archives of the Institute of Art History of Polish Academy of Sciences, the National Library in Warsaw and the collections of the National Digital Archives. Plans of Jewish towns and quarters drawn specifically for the first Polish edition are also included.